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Mahsa Mohammadi
(She, Her, Hers)Lecturer
Manufacturing, School of Engineering
Office: EME 4288Email: mahsa.mohammadi@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Operations Research/Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Analytics, Decision Support System Design, E-Commerce Businesses, Blockchain Technology, and Disaster Management.
Courses & Teaching
ENGR-O 489/589 Multi-Criteria Decision Making Optimization
APSC-0 256 Numerical Methods for Analysis
APSC-O 173 Engineering Analysis II
Dr. Mahsa Mohammadi is a lecturer at the School of Engineering, University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus. Prior to joining the UBC faculty, Mahsa was a lecturer in Operations Research and Management Science at Shannon School of Business, Cape Breton University. Dr. Mohammadi’s research focuses on operations research/management, logistics & supply chain analytics, decision support system design, and disaster management. Driven by her passion for operations research, she is constantly seeking new avenues for advancement within these disciplines. Her contributions to these fields have led to publications in peer-reviewed journals, including Computer & Operations Research, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, and Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. She has been recognized with the prestigious Best Paper Award at the ASAC Conference, underscoring the acknowledgment of the exceptional quality and significance of her research within the academic community. She successfully obtained a competitive grant from the UBC Blockchain Pathway Program (Vancouver Campus), a testament to her commitment and achievements in the field of blockchain technology.
Industrial and system Engineering Research Lab
Research Interests & Projects
Operations Research/Management
Logistics & Supply Chain Analytics
Decision Support System Design
E-Commerce Businesses
Blockchain Technology
Disaster Management